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El Estadio Municipal

It was built in 1925 and it was the first public undertaking of its kind in the country.

It was built in 1925 and it was the first public undertaking of its kind in the country, where President Marcelo T. de Alvear laid the foundation stone. In its origins, the institution looked for a progressive opening of the space to the popular sectors so as to motivate them to do physical exercises. The improvement of the health of the population was crucial and it was closely associated with sports practices in ideal areas within the Park.

Nowadays, it continues to offer free activities for the community in varied installations, among which the athletic track, the skating track, the swimming pool and various courts and fields stand out. 

Address: Av. Ovidio Lagos 2501, S2000HYI Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina
Schedule: Lunes a viernes de 8 a 22 h
Entry: Gratis
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