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His roots: neighborhood (“barrio”), street and school

He lived at 2066 Perdriel Street, in the Alberdi neighbourhood in West Rosario, commonly known as “barrio La Esperanza” or “El Churrasco”.

Growing up, Ángel spent his days either studying at a school named “Colegio el Buen Samaritano" (known as "la capillita") or practising football. In his free time, together with his sisters Vanesa and Evelyn, they would ride their bicycles and help their father sell and deliver lumpwood charcoal. 

Ángel and his friends started playing football in a playground or improvised pitch located in his own neighborhood, at the intersection of Perdriel, Cavia, Pizzurno and Oriente streets, which became their second home. His love for his native street was recorded in a tattoo he got with his friends Nicolás, Gustavo, Axel and Diego that reads: “Being born in El Perdriel was and will be the best thing that has happened to me in my life”.

Address: Mariano Perdriel 1741, Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina
Entry: Gratis
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