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Gigante de Arroyito

Rosario Central Stadium, home to the passion for the Blue and Yellow colors.

It is one of the icons of the local passion for soccer. Nicknamed as “El Gigante de Arroyito” (The “Arroyito” Giant), the stadium was renovated during the 1970s for the only Soccer World Cup played in Argentina. With a total capacity of 41,654 people, it is very praised for its harmonic constructions and its vision free of obstacles from any point of the stadium.

Contact Info:

Address: Av. Génova 640, Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina
Schedule: Martes a viernes de 10 a 13 h y de 14 a 17 h. Visitas guiadas en el cuerpo de la nota
Entry: Socios $ 2500. No socios $ 4000. Menores de 7 años no abonan. Menos de 10 personas $3000. Más de 10 personas $2000.
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