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Municipal Astronomic Complex (Planetarium)

The Municipal Astronomic Complex “Galileo Galilei” is one of the city’s highlights. It is located in the southwest area of Urquiza Park.

The complex, which includes the Municipal Planetarium of Rosario "Luis Cándido Carballo”, the Experimental Museum of Sciences and the Astronomic Observatory "Victorio Capolongo”, offers educational and  enjoyable activities for the whole family.

The Municipal Planetarium of Rosario "Luis Cándido Carballo” was first opened to the public in June 19th, 1984. 
In Sala Planetario (Planetarium Room), located in the central area of the building, projections about astronomic phenomena and celestial bodies are displayed in a dome. Historic, fiction, and science fiction stories are also narrated in this room.

Experimental Museum of Sciences 
The museum was first opened in September 24th, 1987. Visitors can use equipment, instruments and devices to carry out experiments and learn about the Laws of Nature.
It is located in the 2nd floor of the Planetarium and it includes areas related to maths, physics, science & technology, astronomy and astronautics, geology, chemistry and biology.

Municipal Astronomic Observatory “Profesor Victorio Capolongo” 
The observatory was first opened in June 18th, 1970. Its high-quality instruments can be used to make observations of the sun, the moon and the planets. The observatory boasts a reflecting telescope with a 5.9” aperture and a focal length of 88.5”, and another reflecting telescope with an 11.8 aperture and a focal length of 177”, both made by the well-known German manufacturer Carl Zeiss.

Address: Av. Diario La Capital 1602, S2000BMH Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina
Schedule: Observaciones en el cielo: Viernes y sábados de 20 a 21 h Funciones de Planetario: Sábados, domingos y feriados nacionales 15 y 16 h
Entry: $500. Jubilados $200. Menores de 4 años gratis. Personas con discapacidad ingresan gratis, con un acompañante.
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