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Paseos autoguiados

En Rosario podés realizar diferentes recorridos autoguiados, según tus intereses, organizando tus tiempos y lugares que deseás visitar. Hay circuitos históricos, vinculados al arte o a personajes que han dejado su huella en la ciudad, circuitos por barrios, en diferentes zonas de Rosario, y hasta circuitos que te cuentan secretos de la ciudad. En cada uno se describen los atractivos vinculados y están ordenados en un mapa que permite localizarlos fácilmente.


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Fontana Tour

A pioneer of contemporary art, his career had a great international influence.

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Che Guevara Tour

A tour around the birthplace and other places that marked Che Guevara's presence in Rosario.

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Historic Area Tour

In few steps, a tour through the buildings that summarize a great part of the history of the city.

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Fontanarrosa Tour

Cartoonist and writer from Rosario. He made a cult of friendship, soccer and coffee chats.

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Flag Memorial Tour

What should not be missed is the great icon of the Cradle of the Flag.

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Olmedo Tour

Pichincha neighbourhood and the places which influenced the famous actor and comedian's childhood.

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Emblematic buildings Tour

Una caminata junto a los edificios más emblemáticos de la zona céntrica.

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Lionel Messi Tour

This tour takes you around the most important places in the life of the player.

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Port Circuit

The downtown coast and its ties to the port industry.

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Circuit for Memory

A tour around sites of memory regarding the events occurred in the 60s and 70s in Rosario.

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Trova Rosarina

A movement born in Rosario that marked Argentine music.

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