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Museum of Religious Art

Located in the catacombs of El Círculo Theater, it holds works by sculptor Eduardo Barnes.

The Museum comprises more than one hundred master copies in plaster of Eduardo Barnes’ religious sculptures. Particularly noteworthy are fourteen rectangular reliefs depicting the Stations of the Cross, fifteen circular reliefs portraying the Mysteries, a large relief representing the Last Supper─in it, twelve sets of hands express, more so than any face, the Disciples’ reactions to Jesus’ words. Barnes had a long career and became a prominent sculptor on account of his many religious pieces in stone, wood and bronze.

Address: Laprida 1223
Phone: 543414245349
Schedule: Las visitas guiadas se realizan los lunes, miércoles, viernes y sábados, a las 10.30 hs. Reserva previa. Al menos 4 personas para realizar la visita. Bono: $5.000 por persona.
Entry: $5000. Menores de 4 años no pagan.
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